
How to Get Indian Citizenship: Eligibility And Requirements

indian citizenship eligibility and requirements

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the eligibility criteria and requirements for obtaining Indian citizenship.

The process of acquiring citizenship in India can vary depending on factors such as birth, descent, registration, or naturalization.

Individuals born in Indian territory are automatically granted citizenship, subject to specific conditions regarding birthdates and parentage.

Those born outside India to Indian citizen fathers or with at least one Indian citizen parent may also be eligible for citizenship by descent, provided they register within a specified timeframe.

Additionally, individuals of Indian origin residing in India or married to Indian citizens can acquire citizenship through registration.

The article also delves into the process of naturalization, outlining application procedures, character requirements, language proficiency, and residency obligations.

It is essential to understand these criteria and requirements to ensure compliance with the necessary procedures and legal provisions when seeking Indian citizenship.

Key Takeaways

  • Indian citizenship can be acquired by birth if the person is born in Indian territory or has at least one Indian citizen parent, depending on the date of birth.
  • Indian citizenship can be acquired by descent if the person is born outside India with an Indian citizen father or with either parent being an Indian citizen. Birth registration is mandatory within a specified time limit.
  • Indian citizenship can be acquired by registration for persons of Indian origin residing in India, individuals married to Indian citizens, minors with both parents as Indian citizens, overseas citizens of Indian descent, and individuals who were Indian citizens before independence.
  • Indian citizenship can be acquired by naturalization through application to the central government, meeting specific criteria including good character, language proficiency, residency requirements, and renunciation of previous citizenship.

Acquisition by Birth

Acquisition of Indian citizenship by birth is determined by specific eligibility criteria and is contingent upon the circumstances of an individual's birth.

If a person is born in Indian territory, they are automatically considered a citizen of India.

Furthermore, individuals born on or after January 26, 1950, but before July 1, 1987, regardless of their parents' citizenship, are also granted Indian citizenship.

For those born on or after July 1, 1987, but before December 3, 2004, having at least one Indian citizen parent is a requirement.

However, starting from December 3, 2004, individuals are eligible for citizenship by birth if both parents are Indian citizens.

It is important to note that these eligibility criteria are essential in determining one's Indian citizenship status.

Acquisition by Descent

The acquisition of Indian citizenship by descent is determined by the parentage of an individual born outside of India. If a person was born outside India between January 26, 1950, and December 10, 1992, with an Indian citizen father, they are eligible for Indian citizenship.

Similarly, if a person was born on or after December 10, 1992, but before December 3, 2004, with either parent being an Indian citizen, they can acquire Indian citizenship by descent. It is important to note that birth registration within one year of birth is mandatory in both cases.

It is also worth mentioning that the child's ancestry alone does not grant Indian citizenship, and the government has the power to extend the birth registration time limit if necessary.

Acquisition by Registration

To acquire Indian citizenship through registration, individuals must meet specific eligibility criteria and submit an application to the central government. There are several categories under which one can apply for registration, including being a person of Indian origin residing in India for seven years prior to applying, being married to an Indian citizen and living in India for seven years before the registration application, being a minor with both parents being Indian citizens, being an Indian citizen before independence and living in India for a year before the registration application, or being an overseas citizen of Indian descent living in India for one year prior to the registration application. The table below provides a summary of the eligibility criteria for acquiring Indian citizenship through registration:

Eligibility Criteria Description
Person of Indian origin residing in India for 7 years Must have resided in India for at least 7 years prior to the registration application
Person married to an Indian citizen and living in India for 7 years Must be married to an Indian citizen and have lived in India for at least 7 years prior to registration application
Minor with both parents being Indian citizens Must be a minor (under 18 years old) and have both parents who are Indian citizens
Person who was an Indian citizen before independence Must have been an Indian citizen before India gained independence and lived in India for a year before application
Overseas citizen of Indian descent living in India for 1 year Must be an overseas citizen of Indian descent and have lived in India for at least 1 year prior to application

These eligibility criteria ensure that individuals seeking Indian citizenship through registration have a significant connection to the country, either through residency, marriage, or descent. The application process requires individuals to submit necessary documents and fulfill certain requirements determined by the central government. Once the application is approved, individuals will be granted Indian citizenship.

Acquisition by Naturalization

Citizenship in India can be acquired through naturalization by individuals who meet specific eligibility criteria and successfully apply to the central government.

To acquire Indian citizenship by naturalization, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Criteria in the third schedule of the Citizenship Act: The applicant must meet the criteria outlined in the third schedule of the Citizenship Act, which includes factors such as age, residency, and nationality.
  2. Good character and language proficiency: The applicant must demonstrate good character and fluency in any language listed in the Indian Constitution's eighth schedule. This requirement ensures that individuals seeking citizenship are integrated into the Indian society.
  3. Relinquishment of previous citizenship and no illegal migrant status: The applicant must have relinquished their previous citizenship and must not be an illegal migrant in India. This ensures that individuals seeking citizenship have a genuine intention to become Indian citizens and have followed the legal process.

Birth Registration Requirements

Birth registration requirements for acquiring Indian citizenship include mandatory registration within one year of birth. According to the Citizenship Act of India, it is essential to register the birth of a child within this timeframe. Birth registration is a crucial step in the process of acquiring Indian citizenship and is applicable in cases where citizenship is granted based on birth in Indian territory or descent from Indian parents.

Failure to register within the stipulated time may result in complications and delays in obtaining citizenship. It is important to note that birth registration alone does not grant Indian citizenship, but it is a necessary requirement that must be fulfilled. The government has the authority to extend the birth registration time limit in certain situations.

General Information

In terms of the process for obtaining Indian citizenship, it is important to be aware of some general information that applies to all eligibility criteria and requirements. Here are three key points to keep in mind:

  1. Birth registration: For certain cases, such as acquisition of Indian citizenship by descent, birth registration is mandatory. It is necessary to register the birth within one year of the child's birth.
  2. Ancestry alone does not grant citizenship: Simply having Indian ancestry does not automatically make someone an Indian citizen. Specific eligibility criteria and requirements must be met in order to acquire Indian citizenship.
  3. Naturalization requirements: If applying for Indian citizenship through naturalization, certain criteria must be met. This includes having good character, being fluent in a language listed in the Indian Constitution's eighth schedule, and meeting the residency requirement of 11 years in the previous 14 years, with one year immediately preceding the application.

It is essential to understand these general information points before proceeding with the process of obtaining Indian citizenship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Person Born Outside India to Indian Citizen Parents Automatically Acquire Indian Citizenship?

No, a person born outside India to Indian citizen parents does not automatically acquire Indian citizenship. The acquisition of Indian citizenship by birth is determined by certain eligibility criteria and registration requirements.

Is It Possible for a Person of Indian Origin Living Outside India to Acquire Indian Citizenship Through Registration?

Yes, it is possible for a person of Indian origin living outside India to acquire Indian citizenship through registration. Eligibility criteria include residing in India for a certain period and meeting specific requirements outlined in the Citizenship Act.

Are There Any Exceptions to the Residency Requirements for Naturalization?

Exceptions to the residency requirements for naturalization in acquiring Indian citizenship are not explicitly mentioned in the given context. It is important to refer to the specific eligibility criteria and regulations outlined in the Citizenship Act for accurate information.

Can a Person Who Has Previously Held Indian Citizenship but Has Now Acquired Citizenship of Another Country Regain Indian Citizenship?

Yes, a person who has previously held Indian citizenship but has acquired citizenship of another country can regain Indian citizenship through the process of renunciation and re-application, subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria and requirements set by the Indian government.

What Are the Consequences of Not Registering a Birth Within the Required Time Limit for Acquiring Indian Citizenship by Descent?

Not registering a birth within the required time limit for acquiring Indian citizenship by descent can result in the individual being unable to claim Indian citizenship through descent and may require them to follow other citizenship acquisition processes.


In conclusion, acquiring Indian citizenship can be achieved through various avenues such as birth, descent, registration, or naturalization.

The eligibility criteria and requirements differ for each method, including factors such as birthdates, parentage, residency, and language proficiency.

It is crucial for individuals seeking Indian citizenship to understand and comply with these procedures and legal provisions to ensure a successful application.

Hi, I’m Catherine Owens

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